See Around You


There are signs all around that we move in an inter dimensional realm. We have to look around us and see what are surroundings are. Most people are only aware of this reality and have blinders to the various proof that we are moving through a different dimensions.

It is hard to see this due to all the distractions around us. We have other people, structures, devices, systems that prevent most of us from looking beyond our nose. We can only detect certain sights because we have become stunted in knowing about other realities. What separates us from those other worlds is our own mindset. You can argue our eyes are only capable of seeing within a certain spectrum of light. But it's more than that. We do have the ability to notice sights beyond our optical awareness. It's just that we have dismissed these as having bad vision, our mind is playing tricks on us, and other concoctions.

If you have a pet, observe their behavior. Both cats and dogs can see and sense things we are oblivious towards. Go for a walk with your dog, and when something captures you dog's attention, pull out your cellphone or camera and take a video and snapshot. More than likely, you will capture something unusual that you could not even see or hear.

I make sure my devices are well charged when I go outside. You can sometimes capture oddities indoors, but it's more noticeable when you are outdoors. Might be because of the expansion of the view, or the lighting. Also you may be more frightened to see something strange in your home and will react in fear, rather than in curiosity.

So I challenge someone to go out, and just walk around. If you get a feeling that something is suppose to have your attention, turns towards it. Even if you do not see anything, snap a picture. You may be surprised that there is an entity or formation from another realm making an appearance.